January 27, 2025

Wicked Is a Special Kind of Problem: What It Is and What to Do about It


This paper delves into the concept of 'wicked problems,' initially defined by Horst Rittel as complex social issues with no definitive solutions. Drawing parallels with Russell Ackoff's idea of 'messes,' the paper argues that these problems, characterized by their interconnectedness, ambiguity, and human involvement, necessitate a shift from traditional problem-solving approaches to a more holistic, systems-thinking perspective. This highlights the complexity and depth of the issue.
Rittel's 10-point checklist offers a framework for identifying wicked problems, while Ackoff underscores the limitations of traditional operations research in addressing such complex situations. He argues that mess behavior is emergent and heavily reliant on the interactions between its components. This necessitates focusing on system-wide management and continuous adaptation, highlighting the problem's dynamic nature.
The paper underscores the inadequacy of traditional, mechanistic approaches to water management, which frequently overlook the intricacy and interdependence of social and ecological systems. It emphasizes the imperative of a comprehensive and participatory approach that considers all stakeholders' values and perspectives, thereby highlighting the urgency and importance of the issue.

Wicked Is a Special Kind of Problem: What It Is and What to Do About It


Posted by ACASA on January 27, 2025 at 02:00 PM in blog post | Permalink | Comments (0)

December 24, 2024

Thoughts on Generative AI Related to Efficiency and Effectiveness

By John Willis

Russell Ackoff was an American organizational theorist, consultant, and professor known for his contributions to systems thinking and management science. He also worked closely with Dr. W. Edwards Deming. In his work, Ackoff delves into the intricate hierarchy of human cognition, emphasizing the critical distinction between efficiency and effectiveness in social-technical systems. Ackoff outlines a hierarchy of cognition that includes data, information, knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. He explains that while the first four elements focus on increasing efficiency, wisdom is uniquely associated with effectiveness. This distinction sets the stage for his critique of social-technical systems.

Drawing on Peter Drucker, Ackoff highlights the difference between doing things right (efficiency) and doing the right thing (effectiveness). He argues that an overemphasis on efficiency, especially when pursuing the wrong objectives, can lead to detrimental outcomes. This concept is a recurring theme in DevOps, DevSecOps, and SRE. 

Ackoff also describes errors of omission (not doing something necessary) and commission (doing something unnecessary or incorrect). In traditional management systems, errors of omission are often overlooked and more significant. One of my favorite examples of this idea was expressed by one of the early cloud pioneers Randy Bias. His quote said it’s not about bottom-line ROI but top-line ROI. 

Russell Ackoff passed away in 2009, which was a time when the field of Artificial Intelligence was going through a lull period, often referred to as the second AI winter. The significant advancements that led to an AI explosion in 2023/2024 were probably unknown to him then. However, it is intriguing to think about Dr. Russell L. Ackoff’s perspective on the present state of Generative AI. 

In my book, Deming’s Journey to Profound Knowledge, I pondered Deming’s thoughts on this subject. Additionally, if we take the liberty to extend our thoughts, what would Ackoff say about the nature of DevOps and Generative AI?

If we examine using a software repository for a retail business, we can apply what I describe as Ackoff’s “Hierarchy of Cognition.” Using a demo application created by a company I’ve been working with, OpenContext, we can illustrate how Ackoff’s cognition model and Generative AI can be traced in this pyramidal structure.

Thoughts on Generative AI Related to Efficiency and Effectiveness


Posted by ACASA on December 24, 2024 at 01:05 AM in blog post | Permalink | Comments (0)

November 28, 2024

Systems Thinking Glossary

Welcome to the Systems Thinking Glossary, your go-to resource for understanding essential terminology, vocabulary, definitions, and concepts in systems thinking. Whether you’re a novice eager to learn the basics or an experienced professional looking to deepen your knowledge, this glossary supports your journey. By exploring the interconnectedness and holistic approach inherent in systems thinking, our glossary helps you navigate complex systems and enhances your understanding of this transformative field.

Systems Thinking Glossary





Posted by ACASA on November 28, 2024 at 10:14 AM in blog post | Permalink | Comments (0)

October 30, 2024

Leadership development in aviation is vital.

Laurence B. Graham, Leadership development specialist and consultant, is a former senior check-check captain of the Airbus A350 / A340 / A330 Fleet in South Africa. With 25,000 flying hours, Laurence has extensive experience flying a wide range of aircraft, including the Boeing 747-400, Boeing 737-800, Airbus A350, A340, A330, and A300 series.

Laurence is talking about his career as an airline pilot and the importance of leadership development in the aviation industry.

"For me, one of the big things missing in aviation now is proper leadership development. Any young pilot starting an aviation career might think they're only joining an airline as a co-pilot or maybe even as a third pilot where they don't fly for a couple of years; they're just there as a relief pilot while the primary pilots are resting, but they should be learning their leadership skills because that's absolutely vital..."

Laurence B. Graham - Airline Pilot - Leadership development in aviation is vital.

Posted by ACASA on October 30, 2024 at 11:30 AM in Interesting | Permalink | Comments (0)

September 29, 2024

The Business Case for Systems Thinking

Systems Thinking Alliance

The Business Case for Systems Thinking

As systems thinking's importance grows, we recognize the need for clear and concise answers to commonly asked questions on this topic. We aim to provide you with comprehensive and informative responses addressing the most frequently raised inquiries about systems thinking.

The Business Case for Systems Thinking

What is systems thinking?

System thinking is a transdisciplinary approach to studying complexity. It involves using systems concepts, principles, and laws as the foundation of analysis. With systems thinking, we can better understand the world around us and make more informed choices.

In today's complex and interconnected world, leaders and decision-makers face the challenge of dealing with this complexity. Classical management theories and quick-fix solutions fail to address complexity and interconnectedness. Systems thinking has proven helpful in addressing the challenges posed by complexity. It has been embraced by international bodies, governments, businesses, and organizations as a way to navigate complexity.

As with all disciplines, various systems approaches and methods have been developed over time, providing the basis for understanding and applying systemic interventions.

The Business Case for Systems Thinking

Posted by ACASA on September 29, 2024 at 05:02 PM in blog post | Permalink | Comments (0)

September 08, 2024

SYSTEMS THINKER Russell Ackoff: A Visionary in Systems Thinking

Systems Thinking Alliance

In management and organizational studies, few names carry the weight and respect of Russell Ackoff. Widely known as “Russ,” Ackoff is celebrated for pioneering the application of systems approaches to management. His work encompasses both groundbreaking theoretical developments and hands-on practical engagements with a diverse array of organizations.

Ackoff’s passionate advocacy for systems thinking emphasizes addressing the complexity of interrelated problems rather than offering simplistic technical solutions. His contributions to the field are not only theoretical; they have practical implications that have transformed how organizations operate and solve problems.

A notable theorist, Ackoff has brought academic respectability to operations research and systems thinking. His key innovations in these areas have earned him a distinguished place in the annals of management science.

Join us as we delve deeper into the life and legacy of Russell Ackoff, exploring his contributions to systems theory and their lasting impact on the world of management.

SYSTEMS THINKER Russell Ackoff: A Visionary in Systems Thinking


Posted by ACASA on September 8, 2024 at 10:31 PM in blog post | Permalink | Comments (0)

August 24, 2024

The Business Case for Systems Thinking

Systems Thinking Alliance

"As the importance of systems thinking grows, we recognize the need for clear and concise answers to commonly asked questions on this topic. Our goal is to provide you with comprehensive and informative responses that address the most frequently raised inquiries about systems thinking.

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What is systems thinking?

System thinking is a transdisciplinary approach to studying complexity, involving the use of systems concepts, principles, and laws as the foundation of analysis. With systems thinking, we can gain a deeper understanding of the world around us and make more informed choices.

In today’s complex and interconnected world, leaders and decision-makers face the challenge of dealing with this complexity. Classical management theories and quick-fix solutions fail to address complexity and interconnectedness. Systems thinking has proven useful in addressing the challenges posed by complexity. It has been embraced by international bodies, governments, businesses, and organizations as a way to navigate complexity.

As with all disciplines, various systems approaches and methods have been developed over time; they also provide the basis for understanding and applying systemic interventions."

The Business Case for Systems Thinking


Posted by ACASA on August 24, 2024 at 08:45 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)

July 28, 2024

Utilizing a Systems and Design Thinking Approach for Improving Well-Being within Health Professions' Education and Health Care

By Mary Jo Kreitzer, Kennita Carter, Darla Spence Coffey, Elizabeth Goldblatt, Catherine L. Grus, Pinar Keskinocak, Maryanna Klatt, Ted Mashima, Zohray Talib, and Richard W. Valachovic
January 7, 2019 | Commentary

Stress and burnout impact all of the health professions, from education to practice, with potentially serious negative consequences for patients, students, trainees, and health care professionals [1,2]. As a result, organizations are taking action to implement stress reduction and well-being initiatives at their institutions. Some of these interventions take place within the learning environment while others target the practice environment. Despite these laudable efforts, it remains unclear in most instances how each organization developed its plans for selecting a particular intervention and who was engaged in developing the intervention.

This paper highlights two approaches—design thinking and systems thinking—that could be used for developing strategies to address stress and burnout and to improve the well-being of students, trainees, faculty, and healthcare professionals. The authors further suggest that combining these two approaches may create a more powerful method to examine stress and burnout and the strategies to address both. The paper reviews each approach and then provides an example of what a combined design thinking and systems thinking approach to the reduction of burnout might be like. The authors recognize that this is not the only solution to developing plans to reduce stress and prevent burnout, but hope that presenting this approach might help organizations think about how to address reducing stress and burnout in their workforce.

Systems and Design Thinking Approach for Improving Well-Being within Health Professions' Education and Health Care


Posted by ACASA on July 28, 2024 at 10:57 AM in Interesting, Systems Articles | Permalink | Comments (0)

June 26, 2024

Creating Regenerative Systems Thinkers


The text critiques reductionist thinking for oversimplifying complex natural and societal systems, focusing on breaking down phenomena into basic parts rather than understanding their interconnectedness and dynamics. This approach often leads to unintended consequences such as environmental degradation. In contrast, systems thinking advocates for a holistic approach that recognizes these relationships, urging a shift toward sustainability and regeneration. This paradigm change is crucial for designers and creators to adopt broader perspectives, emphasizing interconnected views that promote the well-being of both human and ecological systems.

Creating Regenerative Systems Thinkers


Posted by ACASA on June 26, 2024 at 10:06 AM in Interesting | Permalink | Comments (0)

May 30, 2024

Elevate Organizational Survival: Introducing an Adaptability Assessment/Test in Organizational Premortem Strategies Toward Deve

John Pourdehnad, PhD
Larry Starr, PhD
Vincent Barabba, LLD

"Firms often lose their adaptability as they mature, hindering their ability to thrive. Assessing adaptability early on is crucial for success, especially in dynamic environments. Adaptability is a complex system property requiring organizations to balance controlled and uncontrolled variables. Organizations should adopt a systems-thinking approach to evaluate adaptability effectively and embrace concepts like feedback and nonlinearity. Conventional methods like linear predictive models may not suffice. Instead, real-time information gathering within a dynamic learning framework is advocated. Inspired by discussions with Vince Barabba from General Motors, an adaptability assessment simulator aims to provide organizations with a transformative tool to navigate complex challenges and drive meaningful progress. Barabba's insights from GM's turnaround in the 1990s highlight the importance of understanding adaptability in volatile business landscapes."

Elevate Organizational Survival: Introducing an Adaptability Assessment/Test in Organizational Premortem Strategies Toward Deve

Posted by ACASA on May 30, 2024 at 02:31 PM in Announcements | Permalink | Comments (0)