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August 28, 2003

Call for Papers -- ICSTM 2004

The 3rd International Conference on Systems Thinking in Management

Transforming Organizations to Achieve Sustainable Success

Modern organizations exist in an increasingly networked, globalized world facing fast-paced technological, environmental, demographic, and cultural change. Under these conditions, many organizations-and individuals-have lost their way. Some are destroyed by crisis, overwhelmed by global forces, or unable to adapt to change; others acquiesce to perceived trends regardless of ethical or long-term considerations. Even fundamentally strong organizations often feel powerless to confront changes that threaten their values or to prepare for potential crises that threaten their continued existence.

ICSTM 2004 will explore how to be proactive in the face of the seemingly overwhelming forces of the modern world. Systems thinking teaches that we need neither uncritically accept change nor blindly resist it. Rather, it provides us the means to proactively shape our environment towards desired ends. We will consider how we can shape and create our future rather than float powerlessly into it-- how we can stay true to central values, while also remaining viable and current.

To read the announcement, click on link "Call for Papers -- ICSTM 2004."

Posted by ACASA on August 28, 2003 at 11:05 PM in Announcements | Permalink


Please note that my homeland security website has been revamped and relocated as of January 6, 2004 to the following URL: http://users.rcn.com/pgordon/homeland/.

The extensive list of homeland security-related references and resources was updated as of January 6.

The poster presentations and a 60 page report on "Improving Homeland Security and Critical Infrastructure Protection and Continuity" are now also available in PDF form at the new website.

I hope readers find this material helpful.

Posted by: Paula Gordon at Feb 28, 2004 3:20:28 AM

Here are URLs to some new material that is now posted. The poster presentations are on topics that I have submitted for the conference on systems thinking. I thought that these presentations and the other material mentioned below might be of interest to individuals here.

I hope the material proves useful to you. Please feel free to share it.


Paula Gordon

Paula D. Gordon, Ph.D.
Independent Consultant & Director of Special Projects
Research Program in Social and Organizational Learning
George Washington University
6101 16th St. NW, Suite 906
Washington, DC 20011

Phone and Fax: 202 291 6212
E-mail: pgordon @erols.com or pgordon @starpower.net
Homeland Security website: www.gwu.edu/~rpsol/homeland

1) List of Selected Homeland Security Reference and Resources (September 4, 2003) (Compiled by Paula Gordon) http://www.gwu.edu/~rpsol/homeland/resources.html
This lengthy list is divided into fifteen categories: homeland security and critical infrastructure; cyber concerns including vulnerable systems and Y2K-related lessons and legacies for homeland security; selected government documents; information concerning some selected government efforts; task groups, partnerships, consortia, councils, and other efforts; public health and safety-related concerns; communication, monitoring, and tracking concerns; online portals, websites, resources, and libraries of particular note; selected newsletters; conferences, workshops, and symposia proceedings or agenda; policy and program implementation and management concerns; technical information and technology innovation; emergency preparedness, mitigation, response, recovery, and contingency and continuity planning; education/training; and terrorism-related references and resources.

The references and resources cited in the list are mostly accessible online. URLs are provided.

2) The Information Collection & Reporting System (ICRS) Used by the Y2K Information Coordination Center: A Call to Adapt and Deploy the ICRS to Address Current Needs by Paula Gordon

3) Three Poster Presentations Prepared for the September 23 - 25, 2003 Association for Enterprise Integration (AFEI) EXPO by Paula Gordon (The last presentation is most pertinent to homeland security concerns.)

See http://www.afei.org/brochure/3af6/#poster for links to the PDF versions of the following three presentations. Specific PDF and HTML links are provided as follows. The PDF versions may only be posted through the end of September. All of the presentations are posted at www.gwu.edu/~rpsol/homeland but not in PDF form. They will remain available at that website.

3A) Changing Organizational Culture: Unleashing Creative Energy

or in HTML:

3B) Knowledge Transfer: Improving the Process

or in HTML:

3C) Recognizing and Addressing Problems of Scientific and Technological Complexity

or in HTML:

Posted by: Paula Gordon at Sep 19, 2003 12:48:51 AM

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