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January 14, 2004

The Systems Perspective: Methods and Models for the Future

In her paper, "The Systems Perspective: Methods and Models for the Future," Allenna Leonard (with Stafford Beer) introduces a general systems perspective and describes strengths and weaknesses of specific systems approaches (including tools and models).

Beginning with a comparison of systems thinking and reductionism, Leonard emphasizes the former's value in application to situations characterized by rapid change, multiple interests, limited resources, and high complexity.

Among the specific models discussed are interactive planning, living systems theory, operations research, socio-technical systems, soft systems methodology, system dynamics, total quality management, and the viable systems model.

To read this article, click on the link: The Systems Perspective: Methods and Models for the Future.

Posted by ACASA on January 14, 2004 at 04:47 PM in Systems Articles | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack