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December 23, 2005

Systems Thinking, lnnovation, Quality, Entrepreneurship and Environment


for the 8th International Conference on Linking

Systems Thinking, lnnovation, Quality, Entrepreneurship and Environment

STIQE 2006

To be held in Maribor, Slovenia, June 28 - 30, 2006

The. STIQE 2006 Conference is the continuation of the discussion launched at seven previous STIQE conferences in Maribor, Slovenia. They encouraged an interdisciplinary discussion about mutual links of theory and practice of Systems Thinking, Quality, Innovationg, Entrepreneurship and Environmental Care.

STIQE has developed to a unique event. It is a rare one in the world covering the mutual links rather than the above viewpoints/disciplines named alone. The previous STIQEs gathered (systems) thinkers with diverse professional and intellectual backgrounds. Their fruitful discussions and dialogues showed that the five disciplines are closely related and interactive.

The STIQE 2006 Conference aims at addressing some of the following questions:

1. Can Systems Thinking be a platform for necessary adaptations of national policies on their road towards knowledge society?

2. How processes of globalization support and oppose systems thinking, innovation, quality, entrepreneurship, and safe environment?

3. How to shape social and business environment for entrepreneurship to make it capable of serving as an agent of change and diffusor of new ideas and knowledge?

4. Are the application of Systems Thinking and Its findings able to make the accomplishment of Innovation, Quality, Entrepreneurship and Environmental Care easier, not only regarding products, services, and management, but also the environment and life, and how?

5. How systemic is the entrepreneurship research and how entrepreneurial is the systems movement? Is there any innovative systems movement left, at all?

6. How systemic and linked to innovation, entrepreneurship, quality movement, is the sustainable development movement?

7. How systemic and linked to innovation, entrepreneurship, sustainable development, is the movement for excellent business quality?

8. Can the synergy of Systems Thinking, Innovation, Quality, Entrepreneurship, and Environmental Care reinforce the chances for prosperity of transitional countries in the age of globalisation?

Many mere aspects and topics seem to make sense and are worth a further exploration, as the (unfinished) list has just shown. You may want to participate in it.

All abstracts and papers should be sent to us in English that is going to be the working language of the conference. Detailed instructions for formatting the paper together with other information on the conference content and venue will be sent to authors after acceptance of their papers for presentation.

We will again publish a book of selected papers, and best papers will be considered for publication in peer-reviewed journal.

The fee for all participants will be 250 EUR, including participation in the conference, its proceedings with all edited papers, and refreshments between the sessions. The fee for the participants with papers accepted and presented will be reduced to 200 EUR.

Deadlines of the STIQE 2006:
10th January, 2006:

Submission of abstracts (1 page) and a 1/3 page of the author's C.V. By e-mail.
1st March, 2006:
Acceptance or rejection of papers: instructions for preparing the final papers. By e-mail.
15th April, 2006;
Submission of the final papers covering 8 – 10 pages (maximum). By e-mail.
15th May, 2006:

Final program and information about the conference. By e-mail.

Submission of abstracts, suggestions, requests for other information and other questions should be addressed to:

Prof. Dr. Miroslav Rebernik ([email protected]) or

Prof. Dr. Matjaz Mulej ([email protected])

Postal address:
University of Maribor
Faculty of Economics and Business
P.Q. Box 142 (EPF)

Posted by ACASA on December 23, 2005 at 11:12 AM in Conferences and Meetings | Permalink


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