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August 15, 2006
Systems Approach to Program and Project Management Seminar
This week-long seminar offers a distinctive
"Systems Approach" to Program and Project
Management, with Russell Ackoff among the
4 seminar leaders. This course differs from the conventional courses on project and
program management (PPM) in that, whereas they work from the inside out, this
course works from the outside in. It takes a systemic rather than an analytic
approach to the process. Rather than work on aspects of PPM taken separately and
then trying to synthesize them into an overall approach to the process, this
course starts with the effect of the organizational context within which PPM
takes place. It shows that without changes in this context, PPM is severely
handicapped. The problem then, for those who cannot control the organizational
context of PPM, but can control such management itself, is how can they
approximate the types of context changes required to make PPM effective? In this
seminar, the aim is to show how to achieve these results.
Download in2inseminarconnectingtheartscienceofppm.pdf
Posted by ACASA on August 15, 2006 at 03:52 PM in Announcements | Permalink