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August 04, 2007
Schools need to be able to learn and adapt
You see, everybody recognizes immediately that teachers are the ones who
learn the most. School is absolutely upside down. Students ought to be teaching.
The faculty ought to be learning. This points out two major defficiencies in our school system. The first is
obvious: if teaching is how you learn the most, maybe we should be teaching kids
to teach. The benefits of this alone would have a huge impact on the
effectiveness of schools. Ackoff then goes on to describe how this used to take
place in one-room schools as a necessity, and the success story of having 7 year
old kids teach arithmatic to a computer in order to learn it themselves. It’s a
great keynote and you can listen to it here. The second defficiency is about the inability of schools to change. For
whatever reason, possibly because of a government monopoly, our public schools
have not fundamentally changed since they were introduced in the 1850s. Unless
schools are able to learn, they will not be able to become more efficient at
their purpose. Unless schools are able to adapt, they will not be able to remain
effective in a changing environment, which is only going to happen faster. I’m writing a manifesto for ChangeThis based on
the educational work of Russ Ackoff, John Dewey, John Taylor Gatto, Peter Senge,
and Ken Robinson. Hopefully it will elucidate the problems of education and
inspire new approaches that will make a difference. Here is a excerpt on the
topic of adaptability: In the Industrial Age, the education planners could depend on just increasing
how many children were educated, much like the assembly line increasing the
production of goods. Henry Ford effectively dissolved the problem of “how many”
with the assembly line and mass production. But he failed to appreciate the
implications of this success by not addressing the problem of “what kind” that
comes with abundance. Because of the statement, “They can have any color as long
as it is black,” Ford gave GM the opportunity to eventually dominate the
market. With compulsory assembly line schools and college graduates at an all-time
high, we’ve achieved abundance from a high-throughput education system. The
problem has since been “what kind” of education, but with the alarming rate of
new fields coming into existance, we’re starting to fall behind. It’s not just
one target, it’s an increasing number of faster moving targets. We simply have
no idea what’s going to be needed, and we must redesign the system to address
this. You can access this blog post @: http://educamp.wordpress.com/2007/08/05/schools-need-to-be-able-to-learn-and-adapt/
Posted by ACASA on August 4, 2007 at 11:02 PM in blog post | Permalink | Comments (0)