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April 09, 2008
International Council on Systems Engineering
Delaware Valley Chapter Meeting
(Non-members welcome to attend)
Social Systems Modeling for Systems Engineering
Speaker: Gnana Bharathy, Phd, PMP, Ackoff Collaboratory for Advancement of the Systems Approach [ACASA]
April 15, 2008, 5:30 p.m.
For more information, please click on the following link:
Download Flyer_INCOSE-08_DV_15Apr.doc
Posted by ACASA on April 9, 2008 at 02:10 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
April 05, 2008
A. Stafford Beer and Project Cybersyn
Stafford Beer, a systems thinking advocate and pioneer and a close friend and
colleague of Russell Ackoff over the years and stemming from their roots in
Operations Research from which they both progressed their own paths, attempted,
in his words, to "implant" an electronic "nervous system" in Chilean society. Voters, workplaces and the government were to be linked together by a new,
interactive national communications network, which would transform their
relationship into something profoundly
more equal and responsive than before - a sort of socialist Internet, decades ahead of its time.
Recently, an article was published in New York Times detailing the "Chilean" experiment conducted by Stafford Beer and his colleague for the Allende administration. To read the article click on the following URL: Before '73 coup, Chile tried to find the right software for socialism
more equal and responsive than before - a sort of socialist Internet, decades ahead of its time.
Recently, an article was published in New York Times detailing the "Chilean" experiment conducted by Stafford Beer and his colleague for the Allende administration. To read the article click on the following URL: Before '73 coup, Chile tried to find the right software for socialism
Posted by ACASA on April 5, 2008 at 11:24 AM in Interesting | Permalink | Comments (1)