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July 28, 2008

Russell Ackoff Doctoral Student Fellowships Announced


The Ackoff Fellowship Fund enables University of Pennsylvania PhD students interested in decision processes and choice under risk and uncertainty to pursue research in these areas. The fellowships take the form of research awards in the $1,000-$3,000 range to support data collection, travel, and other research-related expenses.

The Fund awarded 25 fellowships in 2008. Recipients represent various departments within Wharton as well as other departments at Penn. In January, the Ackoff Fellows reported on their research to students and faculty interested in decision process and risk management.

To see the list of the 2008 Ackoff Fellowships, click on the following URL: Risk Management  REVIEW

Posted by ACASA on July 28, 2008 at 09:51 AM in Announcements | Permalink


hello, I am from Croatia, right now I am working on my thesis (@ faculty of architecture) about application of GST on land planning with emphasis on the corruption, that is system diagnosis.
I am very grateful for the croatian translation of Gharajedaghi's system thinking!!!

Posted by: martina sabotic at Feb 21, 2009 5:19:43 PM

I'm Ali Anvari an Iranian MA student in Industrial Management of Shiraz University. I'm interested in Mr. Ackoff's writings . My Thesis subject is "Using Scenario Planning and Balanced Scorecard to Formulate a Strategic Management Framework". Mr. Ackoff in his brilliant book; Re-Creating the Corporation: a Design of Organizations for the 21st Century, in chapter 12, has called Scenario Planning, System Dynamics and Learning Organizations as panacea, fancy and tinker. Excuse me if I didn't use the right words. It's because I have translated the Persian translation of this book. I know about Mr. Ackoff's ideas about Reactive, Inactive and Proactive styles of management. I know Scenario Planning is a Proactive tool but it has also so many side effects especially in learning and as he himself says the process of planning is much more important. So I thought this will be helpful to use it to make an Interactive style of planning. I have also read his books Interactive Planning and Idealized Design. And so many articles and books in System Thinking, System Dynamics, Strategic Thinking, Learning Organizations and so. Now I'm confused about it if I can use scenario planning as a useful tool. Would you please instruct me in this way?

Posted by: Ali Anvari at Aug 31, 2008 2:23:53 PM

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