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June 16, 2009
Systems Thinking and Design Thinking
Fred Collopy, co-editor of "Managing as Designing" (Stanford Business Books, 2004), has posted an essay on Design and Systems Thinking called "Why the failure of systems thinking should inform the future of design thinking" on Fast Company magazine's web site...
This - combined with two videos from last week's Business as an Agent of World Benefit conference at Case Western University .
The videos show (a) Peter Senge and Russ speaking about Systems Thinking and (b) Roger Martin, Dean of the Rotman School of Management at the Univ. of Toronto doing the same... at this leading edge corporate social responsibility conference which had "Management as a Design Activity" as one of its themes.
The video of Peter Senge and Russ Ackoff is here...
The video of Roger Martin is here...
Case Western's Dr. David Cooperrider's introductory remarks last about 3 minutes. Roger Martin then speaks for about 25 minutes. He also acknowledges Russ Ackoff before talking about how design thinking should be incorporated into business education.
Posted by ACASA on June 16, 2009 at 08:44 AM in blog post | Permalink