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December 12, 2009
Russell Ackoff Memorial Celebrations, Invitation and Agenda
Please find attached our cordial invitation to a gala 91st birthday dinner to be held on Friday, February 12, 2010, and the complete agenda for two days of celebration of Dr. Ackoff's life and work. We sincerely hope you will find it possible to join us here at Penn for these very special occasions.Becky Collins for the Organizational Dynamics Team
3401 Walnut Street
Suite 328A
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6228
215-898-8934 (FAX)
Download Ackoff dinner invitation2 electronic final
Download Ackoff final memorial agenda
Posted by ACASA on December 12, 2009 at 05:54 PM | Permalink
Russ Ackoff's leadership, longevity and persistence has left a great legacy of thinking not only for the systems community, but the world. His progression from philosophy to operations research to systems science was a continuing development of a body of work, equivalent to three careers for a normal person. The fables and clear definitions that he wrote provide a simple entry into the systems perspective for the novice, self-reinforcing with a increasing depth and richness upon reflection and application. Russ would be pleased if leaders in academia, business and social enterprises could extend -- and ideally, surpass -- the systems work that he shepherded over his lifetime.
A confluence of events has led me to write "Russell Ackoff, abridged" at http://coevolving.com/blogs/index.php/archive/russell-ackoff-abridged/ , including two maps that feature highlights of his professional life and writings. I trust that Russ would like us to continue on the path that he cleared for us.
Posted by: David Ing at Jan 5, 2010 8:41:32 PM