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May 31, 2011

Idealized Design: How Bell Labs Imagined -- and Created -- the Telephone System of the Future

Idealized design is a way of thinking about change that is deceptively simple to state: In solving problems of virtually any kind, the way to get the best outcome is to imagine what the ideal solution would be and then work backward to where you are today. This ensures that you do not erect imaginary obstacles before you even know what the ideal is.

Nothing better illustrates the power of this idea in action than the experience that Russell L. Ackoff, had many years ago. The experience both enlightened him and proved to him that the idea could facilitate profound change in a major corporation. To watch the video, please clik on the following URL:

Idealized Design: How Bell Labs Imagined -- and Created -- the Telephone System of the Future



Posted by ACASA on May 31, 2011 at 10:22 PM in Announcements | Permalink | Comments (0)