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December 30, 2011
Proceedings of the 2004 Systems Thinking Conference at University of Pennsylvania
By popular request, Russell Lincoln Ackoff Systems Thinking Library, recently uploaded the proceeding of the International Conference on Systems Thinking and Management, 19 May 2004 at the University of Pennsylvania.
The theme of the conference was: Transforming Organizations to Achieve Sustainable Success.
The University's Ackoff Collaboratory for the Advancement of Systems Approach (ACASA) and the Association For Enterprise Integration (AFEI) co-hosted the conference.
The Conference featured a celebration of over 50 years of contributions to the management sciences by the late Russell L. Ackoff. Many of the top systems thinkers in the world were present including: the late Russell Ackoff, Vince Barabba, Peter Checkland, Michael C. Jackson, Allenna Leonard, Michael Maccoby, Ian Mitroff, Barry Siverman, John Sterman, and Margaret J. Wheatley.
To watch the proceedings of the conference, please click on the link: http://www.organizationaldynamics.upenn.edu/node/2026
Posted by ACASA on December 30, 2011 at 01:18 PM in Conferences and Meetings | Permalink
Can you please help me with transcript (pdf) of " A Theory of a System for Educators and Managers" (A conversation between Russell Ackoff and Edward Deming in 1992, edited and released as Volume 21 of The Deming Library series in 1993). Link to pdf file from website is broken. I am a MPhil student in Futures Studies at the University of Stellenbosch in South Africa. This will be much appreciated. Kind regards. Tertia Strydom
Posted by: Tertia Strydom at May 5, 2013 4:20:19 PM
I have been able to open all three videos after several tries so please disregard my last request for an alternative source. Thank you again for providing these great videos.
Posted by: Harold Nelson at Dec 31, 2011 4:04:13 PM
Thank you for providing these videos. They are very interesting. I am unable to get the first video to open. Is there another version available?
At some point I would like to see a serious effort to sweep design into such systems thinking conferences. Design was one of Russ's primary interests.
Posted by: Harold Nelson at Dec 31, 2011 2:52:23 PM