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January 25, 2012
Systems Thinking Applied to Management
After more than 15 years away from academia, Russ Ackoff returned to teach a full graduate seminar at University of Pennsylvania. In fall 2003, he taught DYNM 666: Systems Thinking Applied to Management in Organizational Dynamics graduate studies located in the Penn School of Arts and Sciences. When the course was announced the registration requests were so high that a lottery with random drawing had to be established to admit the 25 graduate students who could attend. The course ran for 3 hours per week for 12 weeks. Russ was 84 years old.
To access the lecture series, click on the following link: Fall 2003: DYNM 666 Systems Thinking Graduate Course (Prof. Ackoff)
Posted by ACASA on January 25, 2012 at 09:07 PM in Announcements | Permalink | Comments (1)