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July 29, 2013

Russell Lincoln Ackoff Systems Thinking Library

To commemorate the death (on October 29, 2009) of Professor Russell L. Ackoff, Distinguished Affiliate Faculty in Organizational Dynamics and Anheuser Busch Professor Emeritus of Management Science in the Wharton School, a generous gift was provided to the Russell Lincoln Ackoff Systems Thinking Library and Archive by the Anheuser Busch Foundation. The physical space of the Ackoff Library is used regularly for meetings, presentations, and holds Professor Ackoff’s academic books, papers, manuscripts, photos, as well as books written by students and colleagues who attribute thanks to him. Under development, as well, is the Ackoff Virtual Inquiry Center which serves as a “central nervous system” for the global Systems and Design community.

The mission of the Russell L. Ackoff Systems Thinking Library is to support , develop and advance within academia and organizations across the world the scholarship and application of systems and design thinking, methods and practice conceived and established by Professor Russell L. Ackoff.

Russell Lincoln Ackoff Systems Thinking Library


Posted by ACASA on July 29, 2013 at 10:39 PM in Announcements | Permalink


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