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May 08, 2014
Russell Ackoff Doctoral Fellowship from Wharton School
Doctoral student Minji Kim is the recipient of the Russell Ackoff Doctoral Student Fellowship Award for 2014 from the Wharton Risk Management and Decision Processes Center.
Posted by ACASA on May 8, 2014 at 07:16 PM in Announcements | Permalink | Comments (0)
The 58th Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences
The George Washington University, Washington, DC.
July 27 – August 1, 2014
Theme: Learning Across Boundaries: Exploring the Variety ofSystemic Theory and Practice
The International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS) was founded in 1956 as a section of the AAAS, to “encourage the development of theoretical systems which are applicable to more than one of the traditional departments of knowledge”. There are now many thousands of systems thinkers, complexity scientists and cyberneticians worldwide. As more and more new application areas, practices, systems methodologies, theories and philosophies are developed, the number of research communities continues to increase. Fragmentation is the inevitable result of the proliferation of new systems ideas in response to new issues and contexts. While this might, at first, appear to be a negative consequence of our success, it brings with it an enormous opportunity: mutual learning from each other to enhance systems, cybernetic and complexity theories and practices in all our diverse domains. It is this opportunity that provides the focus for our 2014 conference.
This conference will reach out to all the diverse systems communities and provide a forum for mutual learning across their boundaries.
This year we will innovate in three ways:
- Not centrally determining all the conference streams. While the ISSS ‘special integration groups’ (SIGs) will each have their own stream (as in previous years), we also encourage anyone with an interest not already represented by the SIGs to put forward their own ideas for streams. Inviting thought leaders from as many research communities as possible.
- Designing hour-long boundary-spanning workshops where a single theory or practice, developed in a given research community, will be presented.
- This conference represents a tremendously exciting learning opportunity, and we warmly welcome your participation, whether you are a long-standing member of the ISSS or have never heard of us before. We particularly welcome systems, cybernetics and complexity researchers who have knowledge of a particular domain of theory, methodology or practice, and want to expand their understanding of what else might be available. We invite abstracts and papers in all areas of systemic thinking and practice, and details of possible SIG streams and Exploratory groups are listed on the ISSS website.
This year, the American Society for Cybernetics (ASC) meeting "Living in Cybernetics" will also be held at GWU in the week following the ISSS meeting (3-9th August). There will be a discount for those attending both conferences, and details are on each society’s conference web pages.
Note that the conference fee includes free membership of the ISSS for a year, including electronic access to our journal, Systems Research and Behavioral Science.
Important dates:
May 31, 2014 End of Early Discount Rate on ISSS conference
May 31, 2014 Deadline for Workshop Proposals
June 30, 2014 Last date for Abstracts to be included in the Conference Programme.
Full Papers may be submitted at any point, but people must first submit an abstract for review. See website for further details on publications, and all conference information is available at http://www.isss.org/world or by emailing: [email protected]
Posted by ACASA on May 8, 2014 at 05:26 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)