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October 01, 2014
By Rejecting the Status Quo, Russ Ackoff Took Systems Thinking to Greater Heights
After World WAr II, the U.S. War Production Board sought to preserve the scientific knowledge gained during the war support efforts. Major advances expanded theoretical knowledge, such as the development of the discipline of operations research. Practical advances of knowledge resulted from the intense manufacturing efforts, such as the application of statistical methods in a practice of control for production methods. But somehow, theory and practice diverged—and today we are worse off because of it.
That was the lifetime message of Russ Ackoff, who died [October 2009]. He was a man who had one foot firmly planted in mathematical-analytical disciplines and the other in humanistic-participatory teamwork. His life story is instructive for quality professionals as it traces the development of systems thinking during its 60-year migration.
To read the article, click on the following link: By rejecting the status quo, Russ Ackoff took systems thinking to greater heights
Posted by ACASA on October 1, 2014 at 04:35 PM in blog post | Permalink | Comments (0)