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August 31, 2015
Building on the Work of Ackoff, Deming, and Fromm
Strategic Intelligence: Conceptual Tools for Leading Change
Michael Maccoby
Print publication date: 2015
Print ISBN-13: 9780199682386
Published to Oxford Scholarship Online: August 2015
Building on the contributions of Ackoff, Deming, and Fromm, we can describe great organizations. Great organizations are works of performing art. Learning organizations survive and maintain profitability by adapting to change. They are learning organizations with the purpose of improving their customers’ quality of life and/or improving their capability. They develop people at work, their competence, and character. They work to continually improve their social and environmental impact. If successful, great organizations will attract the most talented young people and become the model for education to shape the social character.
Building on the Work of Ackoff, Deming, and Fromm
Posted by ACASA on August 31, 2015 at 12:25 PM in Announcements | Permalink