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August 23, 2019

The Deming Cooperative

Ackoff Videos

Russell L. Ackoff (1919-2009) was an important early proponent of the field of operations research, and remained a tireless advocate for an expansive vision of what the field could be. Ackoff was a founding member of the Operations Research Society of America (ORSA), and served the organization as its fifth president. Ackoff was also an author of Introduction to Operations Research (1957), the field’s first textbook written as such. Throughout his time in OR, Ackoff insisted on working on practical problems of management, and maintained ongoing relationships with a number of clients, including Anheuser-Busch, which he collaborated with for decades. Ackoff resisted the confinement of his work to any particular methodology, and remained deeply concerned with problems of ethics and social responsibility. Because OR had become increasingly defined by its mathematical methdology, Ackoff became disillusioned with the subject, and turned instead to what he called Social Systems Science. In the 1970s he would sever his relationship with OR altogether, declaring the field dead.
Through the cooperation of Bill Bellows, John Pourdehnad and the Ackoff family, we are pleased to offer these videos for your viewing.

Posted by ACASA on August 23, 2019 at 06:31 PM in blog post | Permalink | Comments (0)

August 09, 2019

ACKOFF 100 Panel Discussion

Panel at Ackoff 💯 event at Jefferson

From left: Moderator Vince Barabba, William Bellows, Nick Pudar, Gerald Midgley, Laura Cabrera, Scott Koerwer and Derek Cabrera

ACKOFF 100 Panel Discussion

Posted by ACASA on August 9, 2019 at 11:18 PM in Announcements | Permalink | Comments (0)