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February 28, 2021
Cleanroom monitoring: How to make the most of your data
The DIKUW hierarchy (short for data, information, knowledge, understanding, and wisdom) helps generate useful insights to help escape the overwhelming feeling of drowning in data. Writes Microgenetics' Andrew Davies and Daniel Taylor
The DIKUW hierarchy
Before we go any further, we want to make one thing clear: this article will not tell you what to do with your data. That would be impossible; we don't know any particulars about your facility or what it is you're trying to achieve. Instead, we'll show you how to use the DIKUW hierarchy: Data, Information, Knowledge, Understanding, Wisdom.
The DIKUW is a framework that we've found invaluable for thinking about data and generating useful insights. It isn't a prescriptive guide but an outline of a typical data journey. It will help you see where you are in your data journey and what to expect. It will also help you understand the limitation of data.
Systems theorist Russell Ackoff outlined the DIKUW hierarchy in his paper "From Data to Wisdom" in 1989 and described it as a 5-step process that we all go through as individuals and institutions, transforming data into wisdom.
Cleanroom monitoring: How to make the most of your data
Posted by ACASA on February 28, 2021 at 11:04 AM in blog post | Permalink