- Reframing social and global problems could yield viable solutions to major issues such as climate change and gender inequality.
- Being able to identify patterns in how people tend to frame problems underpins this approach.
- Three such patterns include framing problems to avoid change, to blame individuals instead of the system, and to bypass "messy" realities.
Imagine you own an office building and your tenants are complaining that the elevator is way too slow. What do you do?
Faced with this problem, most people instinctively jump into solution mode. How can we make the elevator faster? Can we upgrade the motor? Tweak the algorithm? Do we need to buy a new elevator?
The speed of the elevator might be the wrong problem to focus on, however. Talk to an experienced landlord and they might offer you a more elegant solution: put up mirrors next to the elevator so people don’t notice the wait. Gazing lovingly at your own reflection tends to have that effect.
The mirror doesn’t make the elevator faster. It solves a different problem – that the wait is annoying.
Solve the right problem
The slow elevator story highlights an important truth, in that the way we frame a problem often determines which solutions we come up with. By shifting the way we see a problem, we can sometimes find better solutions.
Problem framing is of paramount importance when it comes to tackling the many hard challenges our societies face. And yet, we’re not terribly good at it. In a survey of 106 corporate leaders, 87% said their people waste significant resources solving the wrong problems. When we go to the doctor, we know very well that identifying the right problem is key. Too often, we fail to apply the same thinking to social and global problems.
Problem framing is of paramount importance when it comes to tackling the many hard challenges our societies face.
—Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg and Jonathan Wichmann
To solve big issues like climate change, we need to reframe our problems