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June 30, 2023
Human-Centered Systems Thinking
A holistic approach to problem-solving starts with people.
People are at the heart of every complex human system--but they’re often the most overlooked. Effective problem solvers today know how to visualize the larger dynamics of the system while staying grounded in the needs of people. In this course, you’ll learn to combine the analytical tools of systems thinking with the creative mindsets of human-centered design to make sense of complex systems challenges. Explore mapping tools to identify the right places to focus, surface insights about your stakeholders, and pick the most impactful solutions to experiment with so you can go beyond the obvious and design lasting solutions.
Course Outcomes
- Gain techniques for mapping complex systems and identifying the root causes of a problem.
- Establish a shared view of the system and reframe problems from different perspectives to uncover new solutions.
- Find the right problems to solve and pick the best solutions to experiment with.
- Deepen your understanding of your organizational systems by taking an iterative approach to testing solutions and gaining insights.
Posted by ACASA on June 30, 2023 at 10:27 PM in Systems Articles | Permalink | Comments (0)