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December 24, 2024

Thoughts on Generative AI Related to Efficiency and Effectiveness

By John Willis

Russell Ackoff was an American organizational theorist, consultant, and professor known for his contributions to systems thinking and management science. He also worked closely with Dr. W. Edwards Deming. In his work, Ackoff delves into the intricate hierarchy of human cognition, emphasizing the critical distinction between efficiency and effectiveness in social-technical systems. Ackoff outlines a hierarchy of cognition that includes data, information, knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. He explains that while the first four elements focus on increasing efficiency, wisdom is uniquely associated with effectiveness. This distinction sets the stage for his critique of social-technical systems.

Drawing on Peter Drucker, Ackoff highlights the difference between doing things right (efficiency) and doing the right thing (effectiveness). He argues that an overemphasis on efficiency, especially when pursuing the wrong objectives, can lead to detrimental outcomes. This concept is a recurring theme in DevOps, DevSecOps, and SRE. 

Ackoff also describes errors of omission (not doing something necessary) and commission (doing something unnecessary or incorrect). In traditional management systems, errors of omission are often overlooked and more significant. One of my favorite examples of this idea was expressed by one of the early cloud pioneers Randy Bias. His quote said it’s not about bottom-line ROI but top-line ROI. 

Russell Ackoff passed away in 2009, which was a time when the field of Artificial Intelligence was going through a lull period, often referred to as the second AI winter. The significant advancements that led to an AI explosion in 2023/2024 were probably unknown to him then. However, it is intriguing to think about Dr. Russell L. Ackoff’s perspective on the present state of Generative AI. 

In my book, Deming’s Journey to Profound Knowledge, I pondered Deming’s thoughts on this subject. Additionally, if we take the liberty to extend our thoughts, what would Ackoff say about the nature of DevOps and Generative AI?

If we examine using a software repository for a retail business, we can apply what I describe as Ackoff’s “Hierarchy of Cognition.” Using a demo application created by a company I’ve been working with, OpenContext, we can illustrate how Ackoff’s cognition model and Generative AI can be traced in this pyramidal structure.

Thoughts on Generative AI Related to Efficiency and Effectiveness


Posted by ACASA on December 24, 2024 at 01:05 AM in blog post | Permalink


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